
The ROR trio is changing: New ideas, creations and wishes are sprouting...
This is how we would like to bring the format of the WANDELBAL to life:

The Wandelbal is a place of social encounter in dance and cultural
Exchange. A (meeting) platform by and for people who want to live a good life together and are interested in a sustainable, more peaceful future.
A stage not only for musicians, but also for great projects that want to be shown. Art, projects in the field of sustainability, or simply the presentation of interesting, new ideas etc.

A dance floor for people who feel a responsibility to move for a better, fairer society. And all this with pleasure, joy and optimism!

For us as a trio, we would like to have a nice space to try out new ideas, to make our music sound and to come into meaningful exchange and encounter - with familiar people from the Bal Folk scene, and with new faces.
A room where you can feel comfortable, free and a little bit at home...

Would you like to present a project, an idea? Then write us an e-mail to mail@rortrio.ch

Wandelbal No. 2 in Zurich with ROR Trio


Saturday 17 October 2020



17h- 19.15h Polska Intensive Workshop with Sylvian Shali

19.30h Common buffet - bring your speciality

20.15h Bal with ROR Trio


Entrance fee:

Bal: 35 CHF (reduced 25 CHF)

with workshop: + 25 CHF



GZ Hottingen (Hottinger hall)

Gemeindestrasse 54, 8032 Zurich

Tram 3/8 to "Hottingerplatz





Course content:

Polska, everything on 1 and 3, rotation and figures, a different way of dancing Polska.

Other dances in this course are Snoa and Rimpa (from the Finnish-Swedish border).

There are many ways to dance the Polska. The course offers an opportunity to approach this dance in a different way and to "entangle" the feet less. We also devote time to listening/listening and rhythm. You will learn to dance Polska or refine your Polska and Bakmes.

The course is suitable for all levels.


Martina Gloor



Zé Oliveira



Tyko Runesson

Guitar / Mandolin